Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Admissions in Four years Degree Courses of Medical Technology Dow University

Dow university announces admissions in various degree programmes.  Courses are offerered in the following catogaries:

Clinical Pathology Technology

Respiratory & Critical Care Technology

Surgical Technology

Cardiovascular Perfusionist

Last date  for submission of Admission Form is 27 December, 2010

For furhter details, go through the below advertisement. 

Career guidance and other jobs and profession related issues for Pakistani students can be had by visiting this link:  jobs and career in Pakistan

Monday, 29 November 2010

HEC scholarship funded by Govt of Brunei Darussalam

Govt of  Brunei  Darussalam offer scholarships for Pakistani students for the session of 2011-2012

Friday, 26 November 2010

Strarting a Career from zero

Some people ask me whether they should return and start a career in Pakistan from UAE, Canada, UK, US, while others ask me whether they should leave Pakistan.  My answer to al of them is the same: if you and your family re ready to start from Zero and you have a job in hand or the finances to sustain you through a minimum of one year, the go for it!

Meeting the preliminary criteria before making the move is actually the critical part of my advice.  When you pack up and ship off to any new beginning, remember that you will be re-establishing yourself in terms of home, car, friends, schools, job, etc., land finances will play a critical part in both laying your foundation and sustaining your motivation.  Ensure you have enough.  As the saying goes, “Money makes the world go round, “but I would like to add, “Money makes people go around the world”

Monday, 22 November 2010

Way To A Successful Career

There are many types of capacities that are required to power your way to a successful career.  Here are just a few and why they are important in the corporate world.

Intellectual or mental firepower
Required to absorb vast amounts of information, filter out what is not needed, discern patterns and trends in current affairs and future scenario, analyse raw data and knit into a coherent whole.  Have breadth and depth of understanding issues, also in a historical perspective, or being able to see the forest from the trees. 

How to develop?  Reading widely, discussing with experts and stretching yourself to think in unconventional ways.

 Along the way you are bound to face setbacks and personal tragedies.  That job you wanted or lost, a death in the family, issues at home, they all take their tol.  So does being let down or stabbed in the back.  The way you cope with adversity determines if your experiences make you better or bitter. 

How to develop?  Have personal philosophy on life; learn to accept what you cannot change and change what you can; prayer is a great source of strength.  Remember we all believe in God but do not trust him.

You need stamina and vitality to sustain a personal and professional life.  Long work hours are synonymous with career progression and, in the modern world travel is a way of life.  E-mails and telephone conferences at all times of the day or night await you.  So watch your diet and exercise regularly.  Start working on yourself now!

Career options in various fields in Pakistan

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Team up the Tempo

You have lazed around the living room; read the last of the books on the shelf and watched every re-run of Grey’s Anatomy thrice.  In between you have rushed to countless interviews, seeking that perfect job and have had to face one disappointment after another.  When the boredom becomes unbearable, you might want to try your hand at a temporary job.  Although the transition can be difficult, a temporary job can be beneficial in number of way. 

Here is how:
Get to know yourself
Use the experience to examine your strengths and weaknesses.  Perhaps this temporary assignment may e in a field that has always interested you.  Use the time to explore this line of work.

Do not get taxed.
Be prepared to work crazy hours and meet tight deadlines.  As much as you might hate it at the time, if you deliver qualit6yon time, it will help you secure more assignments and keep the unemployed tag off.

Dare to innovate
Do not be afraid to innovate and add spice to your work.  Even the employers are expecting that. 
Do not give up

Be patient; keep practicing the fundamentals; optimism, persistence, and self improvement.  Keep going every time you want to quit.  Value this opportunity and use your time wisely. 

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Engro Apprenticeships Programme

Engro Fertilizers Limited  offers two years apprenticeship training programme in various catogaries.  If you want to start a career as a Chemical Plant Operator, or Machinest, Millrights, Pipe Fitter,  Auto Technician, Electrician, Weldor, or Draftsman Mechincal, you can submit your application by December 3, 2010. For further details please read the advertisement below:

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Free Professional Education in Sindh

Institute of Advancing Careers and Talents offer free professional education in various field for the youth of Sindh.  These programmes are being offered mutully cooperated by Habib University Foundation and the city govenment of Karachi.  Courses are offered in the field of Call Center Agents course, textile designing, Fashion Designing etc.  After successfully completing the course the institute also arrange internship for the students in various companies of the public sector and private sector. See for other careers options in Pakistan

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Admission in Army Bern Hall College Abbot Abad

Careers in Pakistan Armed Forces

Admissions in Class VII are being offered by Army Bern Hall College Abbot Abad.  Last date for submission of form is 30 November,  2010.

After graduating from such school one can easily join Pakistan Army, Pakistan Airforce, Pakistan Navy.  Great career opportunities are there for young Pakistanies. 

Monday, 1 November 2010

MAS MS (M.Phil) in Economics related subjects from Karachi University admission

Karachi University annouces admissions in its MAS or MS (M.Phil) degree program.  The details can be had from the following advertisement.