Wednesday, 22 December 2010

How to Become a Chartered Accountant?
Chartered Accountants work for large and small firms that advisory and management services to a variety of clients and businesses in the industrial, commercial and non profit sectors. They audit the accounts of these clients and businesses and can also be involved in specialist areas of financial advice such as tax. Chartered Accountants are also employed in commercial organizations, banks, and the private and public sectors. The profession of Chartered Accounting is the collection of education, training and experience. In this field more importance is given to experience than any other profession.  Chartered Accountant jobs in Pakistan can be seen in Pakistan’s national newspapers regularly.

Chartered Accountancy is a rewarding career and there are excellent prospects for employment in audit firms as well as in local companies, multi-nationals, and local and foreign banks. The profession has stood the test of time, and career opportunities for Chartered Accountants are unfolding as corporations increasingly realize the importance of professional values, ethics and good governance.

To become a Chartered Accountant you need to be motivated, possess analytical skills, numerical ability, a keen sense of what is going on in the world of business and finance, and personal qualities such as reliability and discretion. You will be required to study business and corporate finance, economics, auditing, taxation, management and information systems.

Candidates who want to enter into this lucrative profession in Pakistan, have two routs to start this career namely Module Scheme and Training Scheme.

In Module Scheme students having 45 % marks in the Intermediate examination have to pass PPT (Pre-entry Proficiency Test) and then start studying privately or in RAETs. During this period he has to pass Module A to D and after completing of 3 years of training he has to pass module E and F to become a Chartered Accounted (CA).

In Training Scheme, students having 2nd division in graduation or professional qualification like ACCA, ICMA, and CMA have to pass PPT after which module A to F must be passed during training.  Subsequently students have to complete 3 years training period after which CA degree is offered.

Pre-entry Proficiency Test (PPT)
Pre-Entry Proficiency Test (PPT) is compulsory for acquiring CA qualification except those who are exempt from PPT.

Eligibility for PPT
HSSC with at least 45% marks;
A-Level with minimum two passes;
Graduation with 2nd Division

Exemptions from PPT
HSC with at least 60% marks;
A-Level with minimum two Cs;
Graduation with 1st Division;

For Quality Students having Post Graduation Degree
Brilliant and intelligent students are encouraged to pursue Chartered Accountancy as a profession and exemptions are allowed to Quality Students at entry level.

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